Posted by: Ingrid | August 2, 2013

These are the days of our lives: Summer 2013

Laura over at Navigating the Mothership is doing her Day in the Life roundup again and I will pat myself on the back in congratulations on doing 3 of these this year.  The trick will be if I can get that 4th one done while going insane taking care of three children.  Will I be getting anything done at that point?

1:03 am: Clint finally comes to bed after finishing another job application.  Isaac starts sneezing and I lay awake until 2:35 afraid that he will get up and want to come into our bed.  I do not take any pictures.

5:30-5:35 am: The alarm goes off and I enjoy five blissful minutes in “snooze mode”.


5:38-6:02 am: I drag myself out of bed, step on the scale so that I have a number to report at my doctor’s appointment later (I have never been weighed at a prenatal appointment since about 2 months with Isaac.) and cringe at the number.  There is not even a drop of coffee to help caffeinate me for my run, so I settle for a gu with caffeine.  I dress, admire my 27 week 4 day belly,


grab my house key and head out into the cool dark of the morning.  No complaints about the weather these days – it has been amazing!


6:02-7:25 am: I make it out the door in time to run about 1.5 miles before meeting up with a friend.  We run 5 miles together and then I do a little more on my own to bring my run to 8 miles.  I try to take my picture fake running at the end and realize that I am looking very pregnant these days.  Eeesh.  Heart rate is 144 at the end of my run.  Not something I normally check or care about, but interesting to note.


7:25 am: I come back to a (relatively) quiet house.  Jonathan starts calling me but when I walk in with my camera yells; “Noooooooo!  Stop!”

J dil

I give him a graham cracker, which he receives with both hands as if it’s manna from heaven.  Isaac also wakes up and goes to work on his legos, cracker and banana


in hand while I chug water and have a terrifying moment with the coffee maker.  I looks like it has stopped working when in reality it was unplugged.  Phew.


8:00 am: Clint and I drink the elixir of life together before he heads out to exercise and I take a shower in record time and get dressed.


Then it’s the fun clothing-feeding frenzy that ensues.


I have my normal fare of eggs, and oatmeal with chia seeds in it.  No, eating chia does not make me feel like an Amazon princess, just in case you wondered.


9:00-10:00 am: We head off to run an errand, rocking out to Veggietales in the car.


It is cold and drizzly and we drop Isaac off on our way back to “work” with his Dad at the library.


10:15-11:20 am: Jonathan enjoys getting his hands on Isaac’s legos,


doing somersaults off the couch, and reading with me.  We have yogurt for snack, I check my email and try to ignore the messy house in favor of giving Thing 2 some quality time.


11:20 am: I get the SOS call that “working” with Isaac is not turning out to be very productive for Clint, so I grab the stroller and we head to the rescue.  It starts raining so we hang out in the University Library, look at books and play with the amazingly cool puppets that they have available.


12:15 pm: The four of us walk home.

12:30-1:00 pm: We have a not-so-healthy thrown together lunch, half of which Jonathan throws on the floor.


Isaac practices his parenting skills, yelling at the top of his lungs and pounding on his tray: “No!  No ice cream, Jonathan!”  Jonathan tries to steal food off of Isaac’s tray and Isaac tries to kick him.  I tell Clint that the children are obviously his.


1:30-2:00 pm: 22 minutes of Curious George for the boys and enough time to semi-clean up and make pizza dough for me.


2:00 pm: Nap time for Jonathan and Quiet Play Time for Isaac.  Recharge and regain some sanity time for me.  It is a lovely 66 degrees outside and close by, band camp is blasting away during nap time.


I blog, read, email, read my Bible, and try to think of questions to ask my Doctor (Can I have this baby now and be done?  Will you come watch my other children?).  Several “Mom I pooped” interruptions followed by marshmallow rewards for both of us.

4:00-4:30 pm: I play legos with Isaac which means I construct something sort of lame looking that I call a pirate ship.  He runs down a list of things I can make him next, including a dragon a castle and an airplane.


4:30-4:45 pm: I tell Isaac to clean up the legos and promptly informs me that I’m “saying bad words to him”.  Yeah, it’s not the last time he’s going to hear “Clean up!”


We have a quick snack of raspberries and blueberries together as we each vie to get the most raspberries.  Isaac wakes a groggy Jonathan up.


4:45-5:30 pm:  I make the pizza which isn’t done by the time I have to leave, of course, change for my doctor’s appointment, and deal with the two hungry crazies running around my legs.


5:30-5:55 pm: I breathe a sigh of relief as I run out the door, leaving dinner and most of the bedtime routine in Clint’s capable hands.  I make phones calls and eat dinner en route to my appointment and enjoy listening to non-Veggietale music.


6:00-6:40 pm: I give the nurse my weight, pee in a cup, and find that my blood pressure is 100/60, I am measuring on track (that would be a first!), and the baby’s heart rate is 130-133.  I see a doctor at the practice who I’ve never met before who has been in obstetrics for 40 years.  He is absolutely hilarious and tells me that he can deliver “anyway, anything, anyhow”.  I am not sure how reassuring that is, but I enjoy our chat.  He also, when I ask about running a half marathon at 30 weeks (not that I would actually take his advice – I am just curious what different doctors say) said that if I’ve been running and I feel like it than to do it.  I like this guy.

7:00-7:40 pm: I drive home just in time to tuck in the small children.


I read to Jonathan, tell Isaac a story, go back and sing to Jonathan, and then breathe a sigh of relief that they are put away for the night.  I’m tired.


7:45 pm: I ask Clint if this is when I am supposed to bat my eyes and ask if we can start reading Plato’s Republic.  Funny that when I was in college I think that “desires to read and discuss Plato” was way up there on the “Traits that make a guy hot” list.  Now that we are three kids in and husband asked if I would read the Republic with him before he teaches it in one of his classes, all I could think was that that sounded SO exhausting.


7:50-9:00 pm: We take turns reading most of Book One aloud and have a great time.  Clint also makes some eggnog while I do my portion of the reading.


9:00-10:00: I clean up, start the dishwasher, have leftover pizza as a snack, journal, and check my email.


10:00-10:18 pm:  Somehow it takes me this long to brush my teeth?  Wha????  Obviously I am tired.  I go to bed.


  1. Whew – I’m exhausted! You amaze me.

  2. I love these posts. It is so fascinating to see how other people juggle the same kinds of things I am trying to juggle. I am definitely going to steal this concept and bring it to my own blog mostly bc I know 30 years from now I am going to wonder what the heck i did with my time… I am impressed with the early morning running. Somehow I just can’t seem to make myself do it these days. And the ob-gyn you visited sounds brilliant!

    • The early morning thing has been a happy surprise this summer, due, I think to no longer nursing and to daylight. I am afraid the darkness in the fall is going to hit hard, especially when followed by adding another baby. 😛 Looking forward to reading your post when you do it – sometimes I enjoy documenting the days just because I wonder in the moment what on earth I am so busy with all day!

  3. I love how your kid told you were saying bad words when you told him it was time to clean up. Hilarious.

    Also impressed by the early morning running… while pregnant. Kudos to you.

    • Thanks! I wish I could limit Isaac’s understanding of “bad words” to what he thinks they are right now!

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